Tuesday, April 19, 2005

John Prescott comes to Dear Bristol

So today I'm hanging around College Green waiting for Abby to finish counseling when I spot a big coach with John Prescott's name on it.'The Prescott Express'. Hmm, the journalist in me thinks, wonder if Mr Prescott is staying at The Swallow. With that out he comes with his assistants scurrying behind him. He gives me a little wave and I wave back a bit self consciously seeing I was the only one there. Then he gets on his bus.
Then I was approached by his PA a nice lady and a detective, she asked me why I was taking pictures of Mr Prescott. 'Well isn't he a politician' I say rather thickly (it was early) then I realised he is in fact the deputy PM.
'I was worried you were taking photos of the cars' She said. (why would I take pictures of cars? Silly woman) 'Oh ' I remarked helpfully 'You can see what I took if you like. And proceeded to scroll through the digicam showing her my pictures. Then we hit the one of Bailey sat on my laptop. 'This is my cat' I said proudly.
I think she could see I posed no threat to world peace. We then had a conversation about the state of the NHS and how Mr Prescott was rather nice. (she said) I want to be a journalist now.

The Prescott Express. Big Bus and it has a hostess.

They all got on the Bus! Mr Prescott didn't look too happy. Maybe it's stressful during an election.

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