Saturday, February 05, 2005

Saturday's wet

Weather's horrid here. All wet and cold. Even the cat's don't want to go out. My ex took Danz out for the birthday event of the year today. He returned her to my mums a little while ago. They went to street? WTF? Street? (sorry, being bitchy but it's hardly kid's paradise) She got some car thing. She asked him for some money to take on camp and he gave her 3 quid. Always generous to a fault.
Abby is out. The last thing she said to me as she got out of the car this morning was a friend of hers was attacked outside school last week. So what does she do? Well her phone's switched off. I have no idea where she is. Drama finished at 3pm. Exasperating child.
I haven't got much money this weekend. So I'm pissed that I had to buy diet cokes for myself. I have to have them or I get wicked caffeine withdrawal. I hate being reliant on them like that.
Well least next door can't borrow 10 or 15 quid!! Bloody cheek.

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