Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Corned Beef Can on Wheels

I'm not happy. Yes I know, I'm a miserable bitch most of the time anyways. Adds to my charm.
Remember my car accident this time last week? Well up until know I've been too traumatized to write about the events following.
Thursday was spent taking the car to be assessed, when they gave me the terrible news that the car would be written off, therefore I am carless. Then they refused me a hire car, then changed their minds. Then said they needed to see my driving license. My dad said he'd drive up (he lives about 3/4 hr away) to pick it up because they were taking the hire car to him.
I knew where the license was so wasn't worried. But horrors, when I went to get it, it wasn't here. So I started looking. I took EVERYTHING out and the more I looked, the more I couldn't find it, the more time was running out and the sooner my Dad would be arriving, the more I cried and the more I thought This Just isn't my fault and the more I got wound up and couldn't stop crying.
My Dad arrived and was cross because he'd driven so far and I couldn't find it. But kept his fingers crossed that just maybe they wouldn't need it, and indeed they didn't.
The Hire car was lovely. A Ford Proton2. It was my first time in a gear car for three years and I was nervous but it was easy to dive and I loved it.
But meanwhile my dad decided that it was silly all this driving up and down nonsense and he'd go get me a replacement car himself.
So he did.
Now don't think I'm not grateful for all they've done, with the stress and hassle of it all. At the end of the day I do have transport to get to work in..Ok, that's the main thing.
But I cannot hide the fact that I HATE the car. It's an old Proton Gemini, in a beige/loose diarrhoea colour. I hate the interior, its old and smelly. I hate the steering wheel. It's old and has a square in the middle. The radio hisses at me. And it's huge. I wanted something feminine and small. This is bulky and long with a hideous boot on the end. It also looks evil. It's headlights are like evil eyes that look unsmiling at me. It hates me.
Oh it drives ok, and it goes quite fast. It doesn't pull away too well and the brakes are no-where near the quality of the Honda. I traveled quite a way before I stopped today (when I braked)
It's an old banger. It's a car an old Grandad would have. My ex father in law had something similar about 15 years ago. It looks like a Corned Beef Tin on wheels.
Do you get the idea that I hate it yet?
So I'm not using it unless I have to. And I'm really upset. Last Tuesday Morning I had a car I liked, A car I choose. It went well and I was happy with it. Now I have an accident that wasn't in any way my fault and I have an inferior car. A car that goes and that's all it does. A car that is older than mine, Ugly and Evil.
And I actually feel really depressed about it. I wish that bastard last week had his eyes on the road and was watching where he was going. I loved that little car. I feel a bit bereaved. Oh I know it's silly, stop telling me not to be silly. But does anyone understand me?

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