Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Lala Land

The sky is purple and I believe in fairy's at the bottom of the garden.
Abby tried her best to get out of school today. And I almost gave in, but in the end she stropped off and went. But I feel only because she has after school drama and she hates to miss that.
She's only had one bloody day at school since half term!
The kitten is insane this morning. She's now started to strip Danielle's bedroom wall as well as the kitchen and Abby's room. We can't eat in peace anywhere. She's in the food like a flash. Can't wait for the new fridge to come so she can't get in it anymore.
WTF is all this fuss about Victoria Beckhams baby? I think Cruz is far better than Romeo. But it's just a name. Apple is a much weirder choice. Who cares about the Beckhams anyways.
So The Queen's not going to Charles wedding. I do think it's a bit odd, but who cares about that either? I for one won't be trekking to London to wave a flag at the Old Fogies.
The Queen is visiting Knowle West on Friday. Damn shame I'm working, I'd have loved a blogging opportunity...The Queen amongst the drab, bleak run down Knowle West buildings. Hmph.
*Edit... Phone Call from school. Abby feels sick. Can I collect her. So I didn't win after all.

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