Thursday, February 24, 2005

Cannabis may help prevent Alzheimer's memory loss

Guardian Unlimited | Life | Cannabis may help prevent Alzheimer's memory loss

Now this is a bit contradictory as we've been told that Cannabis makes our minds fucked up. But hey I'm all for it. If it helps. I have a pretty terrible memory. Unless I do something specific to make me remember stuff I simply don't. I don't remember what people tell me, who phoned. What I'm working. I'm awful. Hmm still not convinced hash cakes will help me though really. Might make me more chilled but knowing me...Bloody paranoid.

1 comment:

Keith Horowitz said...

I think I heard about this but I forgot. :) OK - Cheap Alz Joke. Interesting study.

(I've noticed you went for the new pop-up comment version - interesting!)