Saturday, January 21, 2006

I've been to the hospital to check on Collette this afternoon. Dreadful location that place, right in the centre of town. No parking and awful traffic.
I felt really tearful going in. Makes me think, how visitors and relatives must feel when they come into the wards. Nervous anxious scared? As it's a 'Days Work' for us. For them it's a major trauma.
I think we'd do well to remember that, though some staff who aren't perhaps as worldly still have a lot to learn about such human matters.
Anyways, Collette was holding up strong as I knew she would, the patient looked poorly but still had his sense of humour. He really is a nice lad, always has been from a mischievous baby boy to a really decent, clever and intelligent teen.
Horrid seeing him in the bed though. I got him a football magazine. We laughed he already had three the same... obv. not a great stock of teen boy magazines available.
Abby's worried about him. She wanted to go visit, I expect I'll let her next week.
OMG you now all know Collette has a teen... and she tells everyone she's younger than me.... you all know I'm only 23.

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