Sunday, February 06, 2005

Charlie tries to rock

He might well have messed his pants when he flew over France but he got them mighty wet in his new Fight Star Video.
The new single, 'Palahniuk's Laughter' (wtf does that mean?) appears to be a mix of some awful Jetplane Landing, Funeral for a Friend, Linkin Park bad attempt, basically...Let's turn the bass up high and bash those drums really hard.
The lyrics are throated out by Charlie

"I'm not in your house,
But I'm not in your head,
And you're not even listening,
It's so hard to know when you're not scared.

Please don't help me...
*Please don't help me...*"

Fecking poetic...If I could work out what it means? Angry shouty song with no backbone or substance. And the video. Well wet is the main word I'd use. Charlie laid in water, Charlie with water running off his guitar, Charlie with water running off his nose. Oh and some other wet guys stood in about 2 foot of water playing at being Rock Stars. A Chubby little drummer with a lot of water on his kit. Lots of water on the camera, You get the drift? Mostly wet ok?
Hanging tightly on the shirt tails of Busted, who although weren't Trin's taste (ha), didn't pretend to be Foo Fighters 2005. Do Charlie a favour. *Please don't help him* .

Don't buy it then maybe he'll disappear..Under water.
Hey! "In the year 3000 not much has changed but we live under water".... Touche.

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