Tuesday, February 15, 2005

And so we get down to the nitty gritty at Brat Camp

Brat Camp. Channel 4. I do not agree with this awful programme. Oh yes those kids were out of control. But why? What was so dreadful in those kids lives that they had to behave that way?
So tonight we see little Xanthe. The swearing, cussing drug taking little blonde thing. Her mum comes to see her for a few day and finally we get down to the problem. Xanthe's mum and her were great together but then Mummy met a man. And Xanthe felt pushed out. The change happened. So mummy sent her away to America to be broken like a wild stallion. To comply and behave as those ranch people expect her to. I want Xanthe to come live with me. We aren't nothing special here. We aren't normal, we aren't posh. But we got a lot of love and we talk about stuff. We don't conform to the 'norm'. We all of us make mistakes...Some bigger than others. But Xanthe. I'd never send you away to some awful camp.
Any guy who loves me...Would have to love my girls too. And if that's not possible? Then goodbye Guy. I brought them into this life. They are my best friends in the whole world. Poor Xanthe.
Boot camp would be easier. They're breaking them, their spirit, their minds, their psyche. I can't bear to watch.
Oh no, it gets worse. Ed's bad behaviour seems to stem from his dad dying and leaving them when he was young. FFS that poor boy...he needs counselling and psychiatry and love...lots of love.


David said...

I saw this programme here in NZ
Must have been the series before the one you are watching. My thoughts at the time, were that the parents ought to attend camp as well It is too easy to wash your hands of your responsibilities & blame everyone else for your problems.

clarrie said...

I watched a part of last week's prog. One kid (I forget which) talked about how at brat camp you don't get your own way by crying or tantrums or other bad behaviour - "not like you do at home". I hope the parents of all the brat campers (and other brats) get that message!