Sunday, April 30, 2006

Teddy and the Blocks

teddy and steve surrounded by their protective red light circle
the true face of Teddy Thompson
Two pictures I took with my camera phone last night. The top one shows Teddy Thompson surrounded by a red circle of light. This reinforces my theory that he is in fact an alien life-force sent here to strangely go where no alien has gone before. Namely the Student Uni building in Bristol.
The second picture is even more disconcerting. This also is a picture of Teddy taken with my awful posh PINK razr V3 camera phone. These phones sold by the alienforcewarehouse seek out alien life sources and send a pulse back to UFO HQ in Penge.
The picture actually shows Teddy as a set of blocks. Jumbled up and naked as their alien God intending them to be.
It may distress you to see such a vivid picture of sacrifice and viscousness. But it had to be done.
YSL was hoping to be abducted by Teddies spacecraft. But the tractor beam was broken.
Damn shame that'

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