Sunday, April 09, 2006

bad mum

I'm not a very good parent this weekend. The girls have been irritable with each other the whole time, one argument after another. Just sibling rivalry I assume. I used to argue with my sibs all the time.
I did something bad Saturday. The girls wanted hair bands in a shop in town. Abby picked up a black silky one with sequins (hmm) and Danz wanted a red one. I immediately remarked (very meanly) "You can't have red, You're ginger"
Abby laughed out loud. I immediately felt sorry. I was cross because they were arguing and fussing and demanding. It just came out. She's not ginger.... But the red one was a bright red and just wouldn't look right. So why didn't I say that?
Well Abby, seeing my mistake, has kept it up all weekend.... 'Danz is Ginger' 'You can't wear red'... Amongst other stuff. So Danz retaliates with mean words about Abby's big butt and on and on we go.
Then Danz starts talking during Abby's new fav show 'Supernatural' And there's a fuss and Danz storms up to bed sulking.
And inactive, crap me does nothing. I let her go upstairs and sulk and cry and I do nothing... Just nothing.
Then I watched the Dove advert with good old Cyndi Lauper singing 'True Colors'
"so don't be afraid to let them show
your true colors
true colors are beautiful
like a rainbow"

And I felt like crying. How many times have I cried and fretted over my body image. Been upset by unkind words and looks and felt ugly and dumb. And I hurt the people I love the most with thoughtless remarks?
I'm just a pretty crap parent really and seeing the kids only have one to talk about... just great huh?