Saturday, July 23, 2005

School Holidays

Sorry Guys. Not been too well (ill not crazy) for a few days.
Yesterday was the last day of school and with it Danielle's last day in primary school. My girls all grown up!
I went to her school leavers ceremony in the hall. An emotional, but happy and positive event. Danz spent a fair bit of it in tears. She was a bit overcome by the whole thing.
They showed a DVD they'd made about school, sang a song called "We're leaving". Were all presented with dictionaries that were subsequently signed by all the teachers.

The leaving class of 2005

Danz and her friends. They had their school polo shirts signed!!
My oldest friend's littlest one Kieran and his GF Sophie...They're only 5 and inseparable!

Mr Hall signs all their dictionaries. He's a very good head teacher. Caring, strong and very human.

A final chance to show off the dancing, in the million pound new extension to the school. The Core.

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