Wednesday, July 06, 2005


Bloody next door are playing George Michael rather loudly tonight. I wouldn't mind if it was something cool. Their damn cats are also annoying me. Because they're both on the sosh they get free vet care for those cats. But why have two?? I dunno maybe I'm being bulshy tonight but those cats have spent the whole day coming in here and eating my cats Iams catfood. And it's damn expensive. Personally I don't think they're feeding them and part of me feels sorry for them , but they are straggly and smell, also they terrify Bailey. I caught them once chasing her up her own stairs!
Unneutered Toms. A pain.
I noticed the creepy house opposite is being used today and yes, my neighbour was right. It's an education centre for those non-compliant kids whose anti-social behaviour prevents them from being in the normal classroom. So they put them opposite me? Great. This afternoon there was a rather foul mouthed lad out the front giving his teacher a very hard time.
Got to go sleep. Work tomorrow. I'm a bit anxious. Please please let me work with one of the women doctors. I upped my meds today as well. Think it must be a fortnight now. Still haven't developed a life threatening rash. How lucky I am.
I didn't sleep well last night. Kept hearing noises in the garden. Wanted to sleep outside to protect my plants. Sigh.
Hope you're all ok out there. Good you're back Spacey.. x
sleep well xxx

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