Saturday, July 02, 2005

Raising Awareness

I'm really unsure about the effectiveness of things like Live 8. Yes the original Live Aid thing did make a small difference to some people's lives and at the end of the day they are TRYING. Better to try than sit back and think we can do nothing anyways so ignore it.
But I was amused to read Fark's thread on the issue. Bear in mind Fark's people are mainly American.
A few comments for you all.

Really, haven't we done enough for Africa? We gave millions of them employment, and even threw in a free cruise!!!

End world poverty, but keep those immigrants out of our country!

Live8 won't do jack shiat.

Africa is beyond the point of needing just money and debt relief. When you have corrupt dictators, money and debt relief will do more harm than good.

You CANNOT end poverty without giving up some of your standard of living.

You're about to find out the hard way what ending poverty for China's 1.2 billion people is going to do to your economy.
A surer solution to ending hunger in Africa would be an ad campaign explaining that letting a skinny man put his wanger in your back door is vital to good health.
All dead from AIDS, no more mass-starvation

Jesus... I just parsed through several pages of people apparently complaining about the existence of the Live 8 concerts. What is wrong with you people? If you don't like the bands, don't watch, but what the hell is wrong with a little charity?
It's not like their websites are even asking you for money, they're just asking if they can add your name to their petition lists. Get a farking heart, jeez...

Holy crap the Kaiser Chiefs are tearing it up.
What do the proceeds go to (ticket sales, event broadcast orders, etc.)?

This deserves shouting.

(Hmmm not sure the Americans quite got the 'raise awareness thing')

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