Friday, July 01, 2005


I'm so stressed. Danz has her induction day at senior school. Important day. Finds out her tutor, her class mates. Lesson timetable etc etc.
Last night we tidied her room (the hellpit mark 2)and she made a huge fuss about some school books.
TBH In my mind I decided she was getting ready for today WRONG!
She gets up at 7.45 and heads straight for the bathroom with a sick bowl. She felt sick. She looked a bit pale. Now I can't decide if she actually is sick or if it's nerves. She is quite nervy. Consequently...she wasn't ready. Then I find out that she didn't get her school bag ready last night. Oh No. God knows what she was doing. So she starts yelling. She does that when she's not feeling right. So I bundle them in the car. Half way there she discovers the introductory leaflet, that I'd handed her to out in her bag, wasn't in her bag. It was on the freezer top where she'd left it.
I get home. My sister's waiting for me with her dog (I forgot I was dog sitting) I'm allergic to dogs so I'll sneeze all day.
Never mind tomorrow is Saturday. I might not actually get out of bed.

edit. She made 1/2 hour. Got sent home. *sigh

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