Monday, June 06, 2005


I did something so stupid today, well last night actually.
I lit some candles. Sunday night, chilling etc etc. Patti bought me this sweet candle in a long glass with roses around it. Scented and very pretty. Last night I lit it but the wick was too small and it didn't take properly.
I lit some other tee-lights which at about 11pm were dead. I saw the little puffs of grey smoke.
I checked them and went to bed. Today went to work, came home about 4pm. Made tea. Sat down and noticed some black on the candle Patti bought me. I went over to check and too my horror it was lit. The wick had positioned itself by the glass at the back so I couldn't see it obviously. It had burnt about 3/4 way down and the glass was black and the wall paper behind it was slightly singed.
It was lucky that it hadn't burnt the house down, anything could have happened. The cat knocked it over...The wallpaper set alight.
How stupid of me.

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