Friday, June 17, 2005

Got that Friday feeling

Work was very quiet today. Nicely quiet. Time to actually talk to patients, make a fuss of the kids and have a laugh.
I had to give a dose of calpol to a sweet little boy in a pushchair in the afternoon. He spit it at me and got it everywhere. "Oh no he's all sticky now " I protested.
Later, after little boy had gone home. I approached another family sat waiting to see the doctor. They had a tiny baby boy... The sweetest little thing.
His dad looked up and said to himself really (making a joke as you do) "watch out that nurse makes people sticky" a big pause and then he turned bright red and said... "Oh god why did I say that"
I told him off for having a dirty mind. His embarrassed wife couldn't stop laughing and I got told off for being naughty with the patients dads again. I protested But it was HIM..... But they didn't believe me.
Another hellish day with student nurses (well one of them) who didn't want to do any work.
She didn't want to go with a kid for his scan because she's already seen one. Well, piss off Miss because I've seen one hundred million of them...You're there to be with the child not for your own personal gain. FFS!
I was a bit tired. I rediscovered my War of the Worlds CD last night. How I love it. It's a tad dated I know, the Jon Michel Jarre sounding synths. But it still makes the hairs go up on my neck and I love 'Forever Autumn'. It reminds me of a time long ago when life was simple.
Can't wait to see the film. Tom Cruise isn't my cup of tea but he can do anguished man worrying about end of the world quite well.

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