Monday, June 20, 2005


Abby looked dreadful this morning but I insisted she went to school. I then set about sorting out this house. In a fit of frenzied activity I fell over the washing basket and ripped the nailbed out of my little toe. It's painful and makes me feel sick to think about it.
The school then rang a bit disgusted I'd sent Abby in to school like that. FFS!
So I picked her up and slapped sun soother on her.
It was 100 degrees outside in the garden today. The cat kept crying...I think she wanted me to turn the sun off. I had a letter from my new psychiatrist which jolted me. She wants me to stop the Effexor and start a Mood Stabiliser instead. She's worried the effexor is making my health worse. But I've been taking it since 2000. It's my crutch. The thought of stopping that makes me feel faint too. Too much to take in. I have another appointment in 2 weeks time.
My sister booked her wedding next year in September in Cyrus near Aiya Napa. My mum said she'd pay for the girls who're going to be bridesmaids and my other sister is going, today she asked if I wanted to go. Not sure TBH.
But part of me thinks why not? go for it. Dunno. I'm thinking about it.
The hotel looks lush Adams Hotel. Hmmmmmm

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