Wednesday, March 02, 2005

darkside Astrology

Zodiac Awareness:

"The Scorpios feel they are being picked on. So in the interests of fairness....

Reasons Why You Should Never Date...(Or, her Own Version of Darkside Astrology) Aries. Empathy, what empathy? Huh? Why did that hurt your feelings?

..a Taurus. It's their stuff. It will always be their stuff. You can be married ten years and they will be able to tell you which books and CDs are yours and which ones are theirs. They might, however, forget your birthday.

..a Gemini. You will never get a word in edgewise again.

..a Cancer. Moods that rival Scorpio's, but less sexy. Worrywarts.

..a Leo. It's the movie of their life, and you are in the supporting role. They can be gracious as long as you acknowledge this eternal truth.

..a Virgo. Obsessive compulsion is not a replacement for a personality.

..a Libra. As long as you don't really care if they never, ever, ever make up their minds about anything, you should be fine. Unless the way they also flit from one lover to the next bothers you...

..a Scorpio. They sulk, hold grudges, and are vindictive. The sign most likely to become a stalker. But, sexy.

..a Sagittarius. They're iconoclasts, see? Silly mundane rules were not meant for such as they. They're rebels. This means they will never, ever show up on time for a date.

..a Capricorn. There are ways that Things Are Done, and ways that they are Not Done. And the Capricorn knows what they are. And woe betide you if you don't. Tardiness drives them insane. However, they do not have the Virgo's saving grace of neatness.

Sagittarius and Capricorn are the Zodiac's 'Marriage Made in Hell' Aquarius. Deep down, they think of you as an experiment.

..a Pisces. Because they are batshit crazy"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wrote that. Please give credit and link to the original post: