Saturday, March 19, 2005

Happy Post

Red Toaster came round today with her delectable husband and kids. We had a really lovely time. It felt like I was almost normal again having friends come visit me. They brought wine and I made scones with jam and cream (as you do when you're as posh as Trin)And we laughed and chatted and talked about everything from sex to well sex really... maybe that was my fault? No lets blame the red toaster!
Her man is lush, all sexy and laid back and clever.
I feel better this evening. I wrote a long self pitying post then deleted it because as soon as I wrote it I didn't feel that way anymore....see there is hope for me!
I have felt really unhappy this week but I think it's all my Nan really. Her going was a big loss to me and all the family.
Anyways I'm happy because right this second a man came and bought the tin can on wheels. Paid me cash and took it away.'s gone!! never do I have to look at it's ugly form again.
The kids couldn't believe someone would buy it. They came to the door to stare at the strange man who'd want such an ugly car.
Isn't life funny.
lol I just heard a noise outside...I'm paranoid he's going to come back to return it. Maybe when he see's it in the broad light of day he'll reconsider.
You know what? I love you all today but esp my friends who've taken time to call me today and help me when I'm down.
You're very special


Jude said...

I want to visit but no sex talk, I am scary teens either.

Trinity said...

I promise no sex talk when you're here and I'll lock up the teen ok?
come soon. we have cake.