Friday, March 25, 2005

Maundy Thursday

Work was pretty heavy going yesterday. We saw 15 patients in a slot for six maximum. The docs were quite happy though, probably because most of them have the whole four days off over Easter weekend.
We had one girl in who hates hospitals and was so unhappy and sullen when she arrived. Couldn't have that now could I? Everyone is happy on my shift or else. By the time she left she said it had been an education. She's 16 and she over heard us discussing one of the staff (not a nurse) who does lap dancing for spare cash after work. This girl is a minger, never looks clean and is as thick as shit. God knows why any man would pay to see her ass wrapped round some pole. One of the Docs said it would take a pretty hefty pole and we couldn't stop laughing. This Doc spent most of the day with us and worked so hard. Ace doctor, really fun guy. Lush with the kids. Then I caught him snogging my fellow staff Nurse in secret. What a great shift. Think she's falling for him because after he left she pinned like a lost puppy for ages. (No Angels or what).
Breaks were scarce though and I was glad to leave at 8pm. The whole weekend off!!
On the way home I had a call from RT inviting me in for wine. I made her cook me something whilst I flirted with her husband (as you do)
Abby and Nic went to the Good Charlotte Concert with Danika. They all got on really well so I was pleased. Danika and Nic didn't stop chatting.
They didn't get back till 11.30. Full of fun and life. As it should be, Teens should live, love, have fun and learn all about life. Go to rock gigs, experiment a little in various vices and argue with their parents.
They should be able to look back and think wow that time of my life was good. Remember that.
I spoke to Collette today. I'm here for you girl. My arms and my house are open to you anytime and we all love you.
Anyways I'm off to get dressed and get fish and chips for dinner. It's good Friday and traditional in our house.
Hugs and kisses to all I love (particularly the men, you know who you are xxxxxxx ;)

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