Thursday, August 19, 2004

Bedinfeck Hell I love you I love you I love you (not)

Who launched the Hell of the Bedingfields, upon us unsuspecting public? From the first time I heard Dear Daniel's 'Gotta get thru this' high squealy voice I knew I didn't like him and was frankly taken by surprise at his climb to fame and popularity. And now we have little Sis Natasha the one with the dress sense of a church hall jumble sale. What is it with the crinkly skirts and the awful tops? I cannot deny that 'These Words' is catchy and will prob head for the number one slot (mind anything HAS to beat the dreadful Babycakes trash) but we CANNOT allow a Bedingfeck takeover. Restrain and refrain from picking this CD up. I can assure you that These Fecking words will drive you nuts in a few weeks time. Wear Black. Do not tie your hair up in cutsie bunches and remember flowery skirts are for church. Not for the cool (like what Trin is ;-p )
These are the words of the Trin. Thanks be to Trin (in a slightly megalomaniac mood)

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