Tuesday, December 14, 2004


Work is unrelenting with an endless queue of kids with coffs. Everyone has a cough in Bristol. The cough is a funny old thing. If you have rip roaring pneumonia you're usually too weak to cough, most of these kids have a viral cough which would get better if their parents either moved to a nice hot country, gave up the fags, or just waited a few weeks! (the average illness length).
We had a bit of a war because the girl who put up the main Christmas Decorations is hardly Linda Barker material (she also goes pole dancing on a Saturday). One ward had strings of rope strung across the ceiling with a single bauble on it.
So Sunday night, those who shall remain nameless took it all down and replace it....With foil decorations. And it looks good. But today She saw the change (took a day and a half to notice mind you) and went berserk.
Then I had some road rage on the way home with an middle aged old bitch in a clapped out Skoda. She tried to jump the huge traffic queue and push in infront of me...hahahah just try it you lot. There was no-way she was going to do it, and consequently she was forced to get behind me. She beeped her horn and flashed her lights at me and was gesticulating wildly at me. So I looked in the mirror and waved crazily at her and laughed and laughed which made her worse. Silly bitch.
Anyways the delectable Colette has just sent me a text.
Tampax have replaced the string on their tampons with a piece of tinsel.
They say it's for the Christmas period only

She's mad that one.

(blogger spell check doesn't know the word Tampon. I'm teaching him so much!)


Anonymous said...

Blogger spell check is definitely a male.

Two oranges walk into a bar & one of them says to the other "Your round".

Spaceminx said...

The above comment is also by me but there's an anonymous comment by someone else saying 'top joke' on a later post. Maybe its a problem with Blogger?