Thursday, December 23, 2004

Teacher's Gifts

BBC-No more sherry for Miss?

Interesting article. As a nurse I understand these things. We aren't allowed to accept individual gifts. It can lead to misunderstanding and abuse. But we do accept the odd box of chocolates and card. People often want to show appreciation. But teachers are different. For three (now more) terms of the year they have our kids for 7 hours a day. Acting as educator, counsellor, nurse, parent, etc etc. The kids get attached to them and my girls have always wanted to give a gift. Nothing huge. But I have given a bottle of nice wine to a teacher I knew liked wine.
Why are they saying no alcohol.... That's setting a wrong image to our kids. Everything in moderation. Wines been around since the beginning of time.
Besides refusing a gift from a child would be dreadful. If they don't want it they can bin it on the way home.
Danielle's school is in a poor council area but the families round here are generous with things like teachers gifts. However not everyone gives and that's fine.
So how about the bin men knocking at the door every Christmas for their Christmas box? Hmmm I always give to them. They get paid pretty well. I don't know. Guess I'm generous. A Leo.

1 comment:

David said...

Hi Trinity

Just tom wish you & your family a Meryy Xmas & Happy New Year.
I have enjoyed reading your blog this year
