Monday, January 17, 2005

Start Again

This term I'm having no shit from Abby about not wanting to go to school. My leniency and confusion has led to this situation where she thinks she can just not go at any whim.
Last night she wanted a note to skip Gym. Why? I think she should do gym. It's part of school. She couldn't find her track bottoms. I found her shorts. But no, she couldn't do gym with shorts. A boy might look at her legs. FFS . So I said "ok but this summer on the beach you won't wear a costume incase some male species looks at you?" She muttered something incoherent.
The shorts are football ones, so they aren't short as such. I was getting pissed with her. I wasn't happy about lying about some made up disease on a school note.
Usually she gets so sulky and difficult I end up giving in, just to keep the peace. Today though I wasn't having it. It led to a bit of a fraught morning. Anyways right at the last moment, of looking for any kind of joggers to wear I pulled them out of a cupboard. Was she pleased? Nah, she actually didn't want to do PE.
You know what? I have to go through this all over again with Danz. Wonder if she'll be any different. Probably not.

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