Sunday, January 23, 2005

The BEAST: Buffalo's Best Fiend

The BEAST: Buffalo's Best Fiend:
How I love the Beast. There's plenty on this site to keep you occupied all day. I particularly like this criticism of America's 'Time' Magazine. There's an apology from Slappy the Tsunami and the top 50 most loathsome Americans 2004.

"Not Time magazine, though. Time lay with the president. Time big-time lay with the president. What was great about Sullivan's 'Year of the Insurgents' column last week was how beautifully it threw the rest of the 'Person of the Year' issue into contrast. Here's Sullivan bitching about bloggers needing to stay on the margins where they belong; meanwhile, his 'respectable' media company is joyously prancing back and forth along 190 glossy pages with George Bush's cock wedged firmly in its mouth"

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