Thursday, June 01, 2006

flaming national pride

If I see one more stupid car with those ridiculous flags on them I will scream. What is wrong with people? How can anyone have national pride in our poxy ponsy footballers. They earn the entire contents of the bank of England per year. I hate football with passion... but those damn flags? They put one on every door and even one in the back window.
The local Co-op has downgraded to a tiny convenience store. They hardly sell anything anymore... except bloody booze and every fag imaginable. Typical council estate shop. But they have the HUGEST display of car flags, football hats, inflatables, stickers and those foam hands with the pointy finger.
But it's the car flags I hate the most. To see them fluttering in the air as they drive by. Makes me evil. And I'm so sweet normally.
As you know.

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