Saturday, July 01, 2006

grrr to work

Bad work. No one seems happy yet again. Yesterday after I went home someone had to go work at another hospital (6 miles away) for the afternoon. They all refused to go so the person in charge demanded that someone go or else.
Imagine. Starting your 13 hour shift at 07.30 am. Working like crazy all morning until 3.30 pm then being told you must get in your car, drive through the traffic to a different hospital. Find somewhere to park and work for the last 4 hours of your shift in a place you don't know.
Then they had a woman turn up crying hysterically saying she'd been to visit her fathers grave to discover he'd been dug up.
I think there must have been a very full moon!
Well I'm off to Littlehampton tomorrow to visit Spring's parents. I already have a number of pertinent questions for his mummy.
Has he always been so stooped?
When did he have THAT surgery?
and.... Was he bashed on the head as a small child to end up like this?
I'm looking forward to it.

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