Wednesday, July 19, 2006

deliciously unchristian

So what happened to Abby when I was at the dentist today?
She has a visit from the local friendly Jehoval Witnesses. Why do they feel the need to bang on people's doors and invade their day? They were very lucky I didn't open the door... Or indeed Spring who was upstairs and would have loved an anti Christian debate.
They thrust this leaflet at Abby and asked her if she believed in god. No, she said.
"Wouldn't you like a world like this" They gushed. Thrusting a leaflet in her hand.
"Umm no" She said.
At this point Bailey arrived and began rubbing herself on the old lady stood next to the self proclaimed saviour of our Street this morning.
Abby said she could see her little kitty face saying
"Talk to me I believe in cat god, tell him to turn the fucking sun off"
After getting rid of them and examining the crappy little leaflet we have decided we wouldn't like a world like that. They all look like a bunch of perverts. There's a hefty bit of child labour going on there.
Plus where's the TV to watch Big Brother?

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