There's a poll on the BBC website that asks us whether we think Madonna should be allowed to adopt him. The balance is tipped to No.
Personally I cannot see what ultimate harm this can do to the baby. Destined for a life of poverty. No parents, in a Malawi children's orphanage... Surely this is better than that. Too much emphasis is being placed on his heritage. Instead on someone wanting to be his mummy. Maybe my views are too simplistic. Madonna, however, is a very good Mother. Lourdes and Rocco are well balanced brought up Children. So she wants to help and love a child whose disadvantaged. She wants to give not only to him but has given 1.5 million dollars to the orphaned kids of Malawi. Is she such a bad person? Does she deserve this public lashing?
I think not. I think there's an enormous amount of fecking jealousy in this world. So the child will be rich. Well good for him. So you objectors aren't rich. Tough.

Not everyone can love a baby you know lol
My neighbours have had some bad news this week. Her daughter moved back in with her when her baby was born... No idea how long for but she needed her mum. So some bastard has grassed her up to the council for not being a single occupier any more.
This also boils down to jealousy. That someone else is getting slightly more than them... I know if it worked out they were going to come clean eventually. The daughter works a few hours a week and doesn't claim any benefits. To me she's a hero. One of the good ones round here. Young with a baby but works over 10 miles away, catches the bus there and back. She deserves a medal not a fine.
So you reckon the fact that she wasn't paying the council a few quid a week takes from our public resources? You reckon she got what she deserved? I tell you, there's far far worse out there. People who have NEVER worked a second in their lives, whole families who live on Social security. How sad.
I was also most horrified by one of my myspace contacts today. She's 16 years old. American, and on her profile there's a space for her Heroes.
This is what she wrote
"whoever thought up the idea of smoking a plant that changed the world (for the better.)"
16 with that idea. 16 and her mind already set with such a horrendous concept. Is it cool in America to think that way?
It shocked me. Maybe she wants to shock but she'd be far better to be radical with her music, clothes or beliefs. Smoking kills. It's simple. I'm a bit sad about her.
Wonder when she's dying of throat cancer at 35, if she'll still believe in her childhood hero?
By the way this is my 3000th blogger post. If you've read many of those 3000 posts you deserve a bloody medal. Thanks for all the support through the black times and the better times. I really do love you guys.
We loves you too hon xxx
oooh the madonna baybee thing makes me cross! The kid's not an orphan, he's got a dad! Madonna could pay to support him and his dad to have a good standard of living with the amount she spends in a year on hair products but oh no she has to have a cute black baby of her own. But she was too busy to collect him herself
THat's a bit simplistic, Claz - should his father be forced to look after him? Would it be OK for him to look after him if Madge paid him? If Madge did pay him, would he only be looking after the baby because he was getting money? How does that equate to the child's need for affection in any environment?
And she's already given a largish chunk of money to help other Malawian babies...
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