Tuesday, October 03, 2006

lack lustre performance

I'm really down today. It's all a bit pathetic really. I'm tons better, have much more energy and less pain and can see this all coming to an end.
Work called me a few times to see how I am. Part of me wants to get back to normal but there's a big bit that's fed up of it all. All the politicalness involving the big move. Where people will work. The uncertainty and worry. The CHANGE.
I just want to stay home and vegetate. Hopeless eh?
I'm tired all the time. I'm sure it's not the illness. I reckon that's about over now. It's me. Pathetic me.
Spring's gone home. I won't see him again until Thursday evening. I reckon he's grateful of some time at home. Must be hard running a house from 30 miles away. So I can sink gracefully for a while.
I'm a mess. I look a mess. My hair just lies on my head. The house is full of cat litter and kitten toys.
Come on girl. Snap out of it.
What would Plan B say?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Home is full of familiarity. I don't know if it's just "us odd ones" or if it's the whole human race but change can be a real scary proposition. I should be looking for a new job... my current job may be peeing me off... but doing what i hate feels easier than looking at change.
Same goes honey :) You're nervous because though work often feels like a rut... it's YOUR rut :-D
Relax, remember Nietczhe.
Take each change as a single moment. Just merge baby, just merge... and don't forget... you've a busload of people rooting for you.