Saturday, August 12, 2006

door salesmen

3 pm yesterday and gone to sleep with a slight headache. The girls answered the door to a man who wanted to see me. He said he was investigating complaints in the area about something.
Was it the cops? The council? I got up and went to the door.
A rather tubby scruffy man with unkempt uncut hair stood before me.
"I am from EDF", He informed me "We are the official energy board for this area. We are the important ones. We are there for the people. It is our job to investigate complaints and see if we can help get you cheaper energy"
I took in his person, voice, lack of smartness and decided on the spot he was a salesman
"Did you know that in this area alone energy has risen by 25%" He bleated "You're with British Gas aren't you?"
My face was thunderous. I saw Danz glanced at me looking embarrassed.
"How much do you spend a week on electric? 5 pounds?"
I nodded (crap but anything to get rid of him)
"Oh only 5" he exclaimed "I haven't ever met anyone before who spent so little.... But" flicking over a laminated chart "I can still save you 83 quid a year, you just have to sign this form and we will send you a new key and card for your meters"
"Look I know you're trying to sell me stuff" I was rude "I'm not interested"
"You aren't interested in saving yourself money? I really can't believe that" He looked at me sternly.
"Not interested"
I shut the door.
Danz said she then saw him knocking on the door of the elderly gent who always wears pyjamas a few doors up.
I was mad. He didn't present himself as SWEB (which is basically what he was) trying to get us to swap suppliers but as someone official, someone sent by the goverment.
Energy is NOT 25% more expensive in this area alone. What a bunch of crap. But the thought of that slimy little kid preying on the vulnerable and elderly in this area made me feel sick.
Wonder who I can complain to. Because I want to. Any ideas?

(Incidentally after that happened both girls came to me at different moments and told me I was rude.... They were embarrassed at my attitude to him at the door. They did an impression of my "not interested" attitude. They got a lot to learn about hard sell door idiots. My home is my castle. Least I didn't break out the hand grenades.)


Anonymous said...

These people are scumbags. Just doing a survey! Sign here - just to show you are interested in receiving more information of course! Oh! and put your bank account details. Rude? You should have shot him!

Anonymous said...

These people manipulate everything. Abby and Danz will learn in time. I had a guy tell me how much my current supplier was ripping me off and then asked who I was with. Not a bright move. I was with the supplier he was representing. You're right though, they make out they're some official body then you see the clipboard. Sneaky, unpleasant, uninvited, intrusive... you get the drift.