Saturday, July 31, 2004

Trin's Saturday Rant

I hate my neighbours. Maybe hate is too harsh a word but the more I hear of them the more I don't want anything to do with them. The shouting and swearing that interrupts the peace of my garden. The four year old sobbing in the bedroom with the window open. The drunken arguing at night. Then today in town we bought some food at the galleries food hall. The girl who served us was French and I wondered why we'd be employing so many foreign youngsters when jobs are scarce? Then my mind went back to next door. They live totally on social security. Why? We live on a main bus route into town and other areas. The other side is a single mum with a teenage daughter and a three year old boy. She's a typical council mum but she's lovely and she tries very hard. Her daughter works in Cribs Causeway which is an hour and a half bus ride away but she does it every day. But next door lay about getting pissed up, yelling at their kids and smoking themselves to death. And we tax payers pay for it. Something wrong there?

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