Saturday, July 17, 2004


Whilst talking about Hong Kong Phooey I think we need a picture of the superhero in action. Stuff spiderman, Xmen and the Thunderbirds.  Here's a hero not in a half shell, not go go gadget but Number One Superguy!
Who is this super hero?Sarge?No!Rosemary, the telephone operator? No.Penry, the mild-mannered janitor?Could Be!
Hong Kong Phooey, number one super guy.Hong Kong Phooey, quicker than the human eye.
He's got style, a groovy style, and a car that just won't stop.When the going gets rough, he's super tough, with a Hong Kong Phooey chop
Hong Kong Phooey, number one super guyHong Kong Phooey, quicker than the human eye Hong Kong Phooey - fannn-riffic

Warning: In the interests of personal safety, readers are not recommended to try these moves at home. Hong Kong Phooey is a fully trained martial arts expert - an untrained individual could seriously injure themselves. 

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