Sunday, November 26, 2006

oh my love.....

Today had a cursory visit to the parents. They know Spring is a vegetarian. So my mum makes sausage rolls for dinner. Well sausages are hardly meat are they?
We went to the gym for the first time in ages. Spring really isn't up to it... But you have to start somewhere. In the changing rooms I noticed this distressed looking young woman with a towel round her. She was frantically calling people on her mobile. I heard her say... "Are you home. Look I'm at the gym. I need a huge favour. It's an emergency. I've had my shower and found I've forgotten my hair mousse".
Emergency? Hmmm.
Anyways thanks for the pep talk Chris. You made me think. We're going to put a bed in Danz room for Spring's son, a place of his own here. With some of his things here so he doesn't get so bored. I guess this girlie house isn't set up for boys.
We took Heidi out for a garden walk today... umm rather garden sit down and refuse to move again. She hates her paws getting wet.
Call herself a kitten.. Aren't they meant to bound around carelessly?

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