Sunday, January 30, 2005


After a wobbly start, I had quite a good day today. Housework!! Yeuk. But necessary (especially if you're a bit obsessive about tidiness) Danielle vacuumed her room but despite the fact that the Dyson was plugged in outside her room Abby refused to do the pit carpet (Oh and David...My Dyson rocks too, Bet yours doesn't play Aerosmith as it works !)
Gardening... Preparing for this summer's show garden (not that any bastard sat in it last year) Wonder when I need to plant bulbs for Daffodils?
Washing and Ironing. A job usually completed at midnight on Sundays but not today.
A quick gym visit. Oh yes...The Trin is serious about wanting a fit not fat heart muscle. Except I only did 11 lengths of the pool. There was a rather large and splashy woman next to me, and everytime she passed me it was like a Tsunami wave hitting me. Yes Clazza, I am one of those pathetic people who don't like their faces wet, or chlorine water up there noses and in their lungs. She nearly drowned me three times so I got out.
Then a visit to Chav's number one Garage to buy Petrol. Jeez it was full of young girls with pushchairs buying cigarettes and nicking stuff. The garage had run out of packs of ten and there was a bit of a riot. One girl with a buggy and snotty kid was banned and the security guard was telling her to sod off. You know sometimes I hate it here.
Oh and whilst Ironed I played a mix of Kasabian, Tom Mcrae and Thirteen Senses and it was fab.

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