Thursday, January 27, 2005

Grrr Lemsip

A little rant for you. I absolutely detest the lemsip advert.The one with the vile little office man in that hideous pale blue Jumper. He's gone off sick with Flu...Yeah right. Flu hits you into bed for a fortnight. A slight snuffle more like. But he has a presentation to do. Step up Lemsip. The hero of our story. One cup of the hot and steamy medicine not only allows him to finish said presentation with bravado but also turn him into Mr Pure Sex and demand his female Boss go out with him for dinner. She simperingly agrees. After all a man who beats flu in 24 hours, is a man to grab by his balls and hang on tight.
Personally I'd see him as a big ball of cough and snot and avoid him like the plague.
Googling for the advert I came across this article by the Guardian. I see I'm not the only one to hate Steve the Snotball with avengance.

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