Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Grey Gym

I think I may be on the slippery slope to a high this week. Yesterday's extreme performance at work and today, after dropping Miss 'I don't see why I need to go to school' at school, I hit the gym. 8.30 am. A world record.
I wanted to do some swimming then have a sauna, shower then I'd be set for the day. I thought to myself. It's bound to be quiet at 8.30 on a cold December morning near Christmas. How wrong I was. The changing room was empty but as I hit the pool area there were an awful lot of towels hung up.
The pool was packed to bursting. With grey haired woman mostly and a few old guys. Carefully set hair straining to keep dry as it's owner did some resemblance of breast stroke vs Doggie paddle.
Why do they get up so early? Don't they know you're meant to lie in when you're retired? No wonder the sodding traffics so bad in the mornings (Ageist me? of course not)
I did some lengths, swimming around them. They were doing a few strokes then stopping to have a lengthy conversation about whose house they were having Christmas dinner in, where to buy the best brussel sprouts, the difficulties in getting washing dry this time of year, the latest winter break in Tenerife and the quality of the full board food.
Then I hit the sauna hoping for a time of karma and morning meditation.
In the sauna was Fred Elliott from Corrie's doppleganger. Verbal diarrhoea in a booming voice that echoed and vibrated off the hot dripping walls sending shockwaves through my sensitive soul. Isn't there some Sauna etiquette that this place is a place for quiet. I couldn't even hear the soothing mellow water music, he was that loud.
'HOW WAS YER 'OLIDAY' He boomed to the leather skinned tanned lady who'd recently returned from the ever classy Tenerife.
I got up and left.
I then had to go to the post office. Never a joyous event as it smells of dead cats in there. The queue for benefit payments snaked outside. It seemed to take longer than usual with everyone ascertaining when they could get their next payment over the Festive period, and being extremely dim about it all.
Never mind I arrived home intact. I started some housework...Moved the chair and found a huge stash of baubles and things that glitter from the tree. Bailey! I picked it all up much to her disgust and put it back on the tree.
vacuumed, washed up and put washing on. The postman brought me two more cards. And they were such lovely ones too, from two very special people.
At 11.30 the phone rang....ABBY. 'Pick me up' She whined. Damn that school. *Sigh* so I duly obliged. Well I guess Christmas has really started. We've already had a row and guess what? I just spotted two baubles behind the chair. Bailey is a very determined kitten!.

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