Friday, December 24, 2004

Christmas Pain

I had an accident this morning. A silly one. Abby's new shoes came from eBay. I was really chuffed with them. They cost me about £9 and had a £40 label on them. They look forty quid too. They're high and chunky with a platform. I couldn't resist trying them on. They fit perfectly. I stood up to walk around the kitchen. Next thing I knew I was falling. Between the table and the units. I tried to save myself but in order not to break an ankle I had to fall. I hit the corner of the chair on the way down with a crash and bounced off and landed on the floor with my head near the cat litter. I laid there for 5 minutes in shock. Not sure what I'd done then got up. I realised I'd jarred my back but it wasn't too bad. Danz had a look at my bum! and it was red and sore.
I had to go lie down, I felt sick and shocked. Stupid woman!
The rest of the day I felt a bit of pain but gradually it's got worse and my coccyx hurts bad. I can't sit on it.
Marie came round for an hour. That was nice to see her, even though she forgot my card. :P
Tonight we went to see Christmas with the Cranks at the cinema. We always do cinema Christmas Eve. It helps to quell the excitement.
The film was mildly entertaining. Jamie Leigh Curtis looked hanging though. Wow she's aged a lot. I hate slapsick with a passion. But the end was warming.
Unfortunately though the Cineworld seating is reclining. Which meant sitting firmly on my Coccyx....Oh pain. It was terrible. I nearly left to stand outside. Good job we sat at the back because I was sat forward most of the time.
The girls want me to go to casualty...They worry about me. But its bruised...and a bruised coccyx is painful.
Its nice here now, the lights and music mean something today. I feel warm and Christmassy. Calmer now it's nearly all over.
I got a lot more to say but really I just want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. Thank you for reading my blog. Thanks for your comments and support.
May your own Christmas be happy, peaceful and festive.

1 comment:

Keith Horowitz said...

Ow - that doesn't sound fun - feel better soon!