Monday, August 22, 2005


Bargain shopping! I got Danz a pair of sixty quid jeans for 18 pounds. This is the child who has hand me downs and walks in Abby's shadow so it was good to see her thrilled with a pair of designer jeans, complete with rhinestones and applique. I love the word Applique. I spent a small fortune on school uniform, shoes, umbrellas and school bags.
Abby is totally about image, her school bag was quite unsuitable... But it was Kookai so that makes it all ok. She was well mad about the jeans but they didn't have them in her size.
I'm still fretting about the CSA thing. The advisory lady said that I may end up with less money if his outgoings are increased. Seeing he doesn't have a mortgage, I seriously doubt it, but he told the CSA that he rents a room from a woman (his GF of course). Thing is I doubt that will wash this time as he has no rent book or receipts to prove payment.
The CSA said that if I ' rock the boat' he may stop paying. Surely that's not right.... To worry about 'rocking the boat' I never forget them giving him 3 months free from paying me anything for filling in the forms on time.
And he wasn't paying sod all anyways.
But she was also surprised that he hadn't had a review since 2001. She seemed to think it 'just'.
On other news. Thank you so much Miss Truly 27 or should I say Mrs Truly 27 for the wedding pictures you sent me. You were such a beautiful bride. Breath takingly lovely. xxx

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