Monday, August 22, 2005


Watching Airline on ITV. There's a couple of guys on there who made the same mistake I made and booked the seats in the same names. It's easy to do, especially if you use google auto fill or some such facility. But the idiots never checked their paperwork and then had the audacity to be complete idiots to the check in clerk. Total wankers TBH.
Then there were two people who arrived late for check in, but they were nice and Easy Jet managed to find them a later flight.
Why do people turn up so late for flights? It's amazing to see what crap some people have to put up with in their line of work.
We do have the odd moment in work but mostly it's nurses from places like A+E that get the crap. We did have one prat, one Christmas Day, who when we never answered the door bell quickly enough, climbed through the tiny top window in the lady's bathroom, whilst a mum was sat on the toilet. He was extremely skinny, I assure you (for security sake) the window was very small, one of those ones you open just for a bit of air. He was one of those men who live on substances not related to any kind of food... Indeed.

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