Monday, April 03, 2006

who am I?

"I stretched back and I hiccupped
And looked back on my busy day
Eleven hours in the Tin Pan
God, there's got to be another way

Who are you?
Who, who, who, who?"

The Who (1978)
Damn, I love CSI.

I had to get up early today to take Abby to some school thing in town. I was peeved about it, but she says I signed a note about it ages ago. And there lies my problem. My memory.
My memory both long term and short term is pretty crap. TBH I've never had a great memory. Maybe I'm too shallow to make good memories? Too superficial. I don't know but just lately it's got a lot worse. To begin with I was sure it was the Effexor, but now I'm off of them it seemed to get better, now it's lapsed again... Jeez lets hope I'm not doing a Mike Baldwin.
Abby had an English revision session in school today. TBH I'd have preferred she'd done that, but somehow this Geography thing came up. Something to do with Bristol Slaves and St Lucia.
So I drove into town and back home. I pulled up on the drive and this furry thing came bounding towards me, narrowly missing a van driving round the corner. I opened the car door and Bailey shot in and stood on the car seat very proud of herself.
She's started doing this every time I come home. I open the door, get the shopping bags out then can't lock it because she's got in.
Now aren't cats meant to hate car travel?

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