Thursday, February 23, 2006

absolutely vile

channel 4 Addiction site

Now, I'm a nurse and I see stuff like blood, vomit and diarrhoea every day. Doesn't affect me. It is part of my working day... BUT I'm sat here with my Crumpet and orange juice and just after Frasier, is that truly awful "Going Cold Turkey" reality TV show on Channel 4. The patients have been drug free for three days. After 10 years of Heroin and Methadone use.
Today they started a new drug. It made the male patient sleepy. He fell asleep during a meal but the two women were awful. One had terrible pain and the other one Vomited copious amounts. Two huge sick bowls full of green vomit.
Yes, this is 09.30 am on a Thursday morning and Channel 4 is showing a poor woman puking her guts up on Morning national TV.
It's wrong. Wrong for her, wrong for us, wrong for society.
Ethical? debatable.
I switched off.

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