Tuesday, December 13, 2005

miss rubbish

I'm not very happy. It's my one day off and I should be chilling and relaxing and feeling calm. But I don't. I feel loaded and stressy and a bit of a failure frankly.
Can't do anything right. Not sleeping again... feeling anxious.
Guess it's just Christmas coming up. Good will to all men, except bloody mothers?
Anyone else not feeling Festive yet?
I think I need to get drunk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Feeling festive? erm... whatcha talkin' about? Something happening is there? Damn! Yet another thing people are keeping from me.
Seriously though, this time is manufactured for stress. Stress is a stream, you're the rock. Let it flow round you honey. As always, you'll not just manage, you'll shine :) There's two girls there who may moan and whinge from time to time but they know what a superstar you are. And you are...
dont forget it.