Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Get Fit Trin

I've had a gym day today. I did the dry gym this afternoon and walked 1.1 miles and then 14 lengths of the pool this evening. Doesn't sound a lot I know but for me it was. I noticed a lot of people there flit between stuff. A few minutes here and there. I wonder what the best way to get fit is. I usually set myself a goal and I refuse to stop until I get there. I wanted to do a mile on the treadmill and some Abs Crunches which I did and at least 10 pool lengths (I was tired).
I'm not too well today. My head is fuzzy and it's dark and sad in there. The gym helped to focus me a bit.
Danz just made chocolate muffins again for us. She's a sweetie. (Gym + Muffins=? :)

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