Friday, May 19, 2006


I am dim at times.
It's 11pm and my mobile rings "I predict a Riot" ringtone startles me. Who would call at this time? (some old fashioned rule that if you call after 10.30 someone has to have at least died)
It was a man, Low voice almost a whisper.
"Whose this"? he asked
And of course I replied "Trinity"
I knew immediatley I'd made a mistake.
"Have you got time to talk to me?" He asked "I want to talk"
I asked him who he was... how he'd got my number.
He said his name was Tom. I hung up.
5 minutes later he called again.
"Can I ask how old you are because you sound damn fit"
Hmph. Bastard. I was croaky and dying from my serious illness I've had all week (That certain friends have not emailed or text me to send sympathy)
I hung up again.
Then he called twice more. I ignored them.
Then 07.20 am. Yep he calls again.
Now, he quite obv. randomly picked my number. I wasn't in the least bit scared. Silly man. But he could have quite easily worried a woman on her own.
So for that reason guys.
This is his number. If you get chance, plaster it on some loo doors for me.
Something like gay sex for free?

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