Thursday, May 18, 2006

buying for the sick

Springs fav shop
Well it's Thursday and I'm still bloody unwell. Today is the beat myself up for being so pathetic. Even walking up the stairs wears me out.
I feel about 80. Spring came round yesterday with gits to cheer me up. Some Musky Grapes and a punnet of organic cherries. They cost 3 quid but when he opened them, half were mouldy.... tsk tsk. That's what you get from buying at posh shops. Asba cherries never go furry.
Oh and a big bottle of Baileys that is strangely comforting to my sore chest.
He also bought me a membership to his Railway. Curiously that didn't immediately make me feel 100% better but he assures me it will in time.
I like him, I love his company. I don't feel so alone anymore but I'm also scared it'll all end suddenly. Look at Heather Mills and Sir Paul? Who'd have thought of that?
Hmmm I guess me and Spring aren't no Mills and McCartney.
Stuff it, I could analyse for years. Angst and wonder. Just enjoy it. Enjoy him. He's clever and cool and hairier more one side than the other. But I like that. There's always the fun of the wax. That's a thought!


  1. He brings BAILEYS? That's better than being a Beatle.

  2. Anonymous1:32 am

    Very thoughtful of him to try and cheer you up, but is bringing a load of gits really appropriate?


  3. damn now if I change it everyone will wonder what you're talking about. tsk
