Monday, October 16, 2006

I'm an official naturist!

The weekend was so good. This morning I'm left with a feeling of being slightly deflated. Back home. The house needs vacuuming. There's tons of washing. Knickers hung on radiators and chairs trying to dry. Cat litter scattered over the room. The cupboards are fairly empty. The washing machine leaked and the kitchen carpet is damp. Yeah, I'm back home.

Friday saw Spring quite unwell. Really tired and achy and I was worried we wouldn't make it. We stopped on the way down in this odd little pub and had dinner. There was this large table full of about 10 Essex women on there way somewhere. They were so loud, incredibly loud and brash.
Spring looked awful and went really pale. I thought I was going to have to drive.
We got there though. Drove through the gates and got out. It was quiet and looked like an ordinary holiday cam except the owner showed us to our caravan and as we turned the corner this little group of naked men and women sunning themselves all said hello.

Our caravan wasn't a caravan at all. Rather a mobile home and brand new and absolutely gorgeous. All wood floors and a kitchen to die for. Really big and comfortable. We unpacked and got our kits off. The weather was unbelievable. Really sunny and warm.

The best bit about naturism is swimming nude. There's nothing like it. No silly uncomfortable costume cutting off your groin circulation as you swim. The outdoor pool was closed as the season had just ended but they had an indoor one which was good.
We met some other naturists. Oddly they all seemed to be over 70. Friendly though. There's nothing like breaking the ice when all of you are undressed I guess.
Over the weekend a few younger people arrived... For the day I think. Then there were a few children. None of them undressed, but it made me feel odd. I'm not sure if it was the fact I was undressed around them or just the fact there were kids there. I like adult only holidays when I'm sans kids.
I kept ringing the girls. There was one hairy moment when the phone, TV and internet went down. A big telewest fault. Abby was besides herself. No internet? What was she going to do. Luckily 2 minutes after forcing my dad to ring up and find out what was going on it reappeared.

The onsite pub was good, really like a normal pub. Spring found it odd being nude in there. You're conditioned to wear clothes in a pub I guess. You do have to be dressed in there after 7pm. Maybe that's to do with it being a family centre? Not sure.

Spring seemed to get a lot better over the weekend. He even washed up once!!

He did have some rather odd dreams tough and woke up very angry one night saying that someone was trying to paint the whole train station Prussian Blue. He was so cross about it.
We were so chilled come Sunday. I really didn't want to go home. We'd paid for Sunday night too but Springs ex-wife wouldn't look after his boy so we had to come back at about 4 pm.
So back to normality. Work tomorrow. Half term next week... Actually I like that. Someone to help with this hyper kitten.
Wish I was back in South Hants though :(

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