Tuesday, May 09, 2006

walking and arguing

I had to put on my diplomatic hat yesterday when during the chaos of the 14 asylum seekers we had a verbal fight between our receptionist and a new doctor right in the middle of the ward. Holby City got nothing on us!
He'd had it coming. He's short Asian and very rude. Not sure if there's a touch of cultural differences going on in his head somewhere but his manner demands respect and obedience. Yeah Right! Hahahhaaaaa. Hilarious.
He'd come and plonked a scrap of paper at the receptionist desk
with a name on it. A name like Jane Doe. "Get me those notes" He commanded.
I saw her eyes narrow into slits and her mouth set in the pursed position.
"And what exactly is that?" The biting retort.
There was no hospital number, no date of birth. He wanted her to trawl through the whole computer looking for this child's name... Come on stuppo. There's hundreds of people with the same name.
He wouldn't have it though. He told her it was HER job, not his. He was a "DOCTOR" and therefore to be obeyed. That this child was ill and if she didn't get the notes and the child got worse than on her head be it.
There was a moment when she stood up and I thought she was going to clobber him. I intervened. Kinda calmed it down, except I did reinforce that this was not a small task and he was in the wrong. He refused to accept it.... Oh well.
I got the notes, (only by extensive CSI Miami work and had to ring another hospital for the details) Then we find him writing in the notes starting with the words restrospective. Seems he'd seen the kid and she'd gone to another hospital the next day (unhappy maybe? No idea why) and he wanted to "add" to his first observations. Hmmmmmmmm.
Well he's a marked man. The stamp of black death on the little squirts forehead.
Then I got home. I was really exhausted. I was meeting Spring in the country for a walk (yikes) I called him and suggested he came here instead. He wasn't awfully keen and I felt guilty for asking. But he changed his mind and arrived at 7pm. I wanted to go to the cinema. TBH there really is nothing on and he wouldn't go see the Transamerica film about gender reassignment (bastard) so we ended up at Chew Valley Lakes and did a 15 mile hike (maybe even more)around the lake perimeter. Never seen so many pesky ducks, they refused to get off the footpath. And hundreds and little pretty snails that Spring wouldn't let he walk on.... Not that I would on purpose tsk!
When we got back to the car a little Bristol Water man was waiting to lock up the gates. Bet he was pissed off with us.
Then we went to the Ring 'O Bells for a drink and I had a funny turn and felt quite ill and had to go home. Weird.
I think it was the complete physical exhaustion from the edge pushing mountain trek through barren countryside..... in fashion boots.
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  1. In the interests of both veracity and future social research I should perhaps point out that Trin actually
    'walked' 1.5 miles, not 15, and I carried her for most of that.


  2. That was a really sweet comment CJH and reluctantly I deleted it as per your request. Trin likes to do as she's told.
    AS FOR YOU MR Spring.
    You're in BIG trouble. Prob even more when I find out what the fuck Veracity means.....

  3. It's a place where Vera lives - like a town, only bigger.

  4. I wasn't believing the 15 miles for a minute.

  5. see what you've done you git. My adoring fans no longer believe me. Next thing you know they'll be saying I'm not 36.
