Monday, May 29, 2006

st austell ant power (not powder)

Spring singled handedly rescues the ants
So, away we go on the train to St Austell and caravaning holidays with Spring and Small Spring.
A bit of a massive event in the life of a new couple. The kids meet and eeek spend a few nights in a confined space together.
Well we survived. I'll spare you the gory details but on Sunday morning we were invaded by an enormous ant army. There must have been a few million. Abby (as usual) screamed blue murder and demanded them all dead. Spring (being a passionate pagan) refused and spent several hours saving each individual ant by luring them on to a Cornwall attraction leaflet then flinging them 500 yards on to the hard car park floor. Nice.
Abby got small Spring into trouble when she encouraged him to stamp on them.
So Spring sat down and explained to Abby (with a series of hand actions ;P ) how ants communicate. This caused much hilarity and Abby decided Spring was a total nut job and took the piss out of him for the rest of the weekend.

the private beach
Anyways.... On to the compulsory 25 mile hike to the 'private beach' which didn't look private to me as there were loads of other buggers and vile kids wandering around down there. Plus, the word 'beach' is a bit misleading. Where was the fine golden sand and blue sea? It was all shingle stuff and slate rock. Oh well, least the kids gave up walking down with us... It was too steep for Abby who gave up and went back. So we got 1/2 hour without any vile kids.
Abby actually smiling!
And talk of the devil. Here she is. Queen Ant 2006. She tried to go on the tyre but nearly fell off. A rare and valuable picture of her smiling.
She spent the weekend reciting hymns and prayers to poor spring to wind him up. I never knew she was familiar with so much Christianity. There maybe hope for her English RE GCSE.

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