Friday, May 12, 2006

so glad it's Friday

I had a bad day :(
The traffic was absolutely spiteful. It took 30 minutes to get out of this area, let alone across the city. I could feel my stress rising by the minute and by the time I got to work I was exhausted.
Work was messy. We never got on top of anything. We had kids waiting around for hours on end. No-one made decisions and people were pissed off and irritable.
The worse bit was having to work with that shitty doctor we had the trouble with Monday. He was uncommunicative and unhelpful. Then at about 11 am I asked him something and he had such a rant at me. He insinuated I was horrible and impatient and told me to leave him alone and stop being so over bearing.
I couldn't retaliate as it was in a patient area, I wanted to talk to him about it. I'm there for the patients. I try to do my best for them. He makes my job very hard and miserable. As the morning wore on I just wanted to come home. Then someone on another ward said I looked unhappy and hugged me and I cried.
It was silly, I know. But I just want to do my best and I felt there was no point me being there.
I feel so bad now, that I'm worried about going in on Monday. It's blowing out of proportion in my head.
Back home Danielle made a fuss because she wanted to go swimming and all I wanted to do was vegetate. In the end we did go to the gym. I only managed a very poor 12 lengths and was so tired but it did get some of the negative energy towards work out of my head.
bad trin
Danielle brought home a bible from school today. I think this is such a bloody cheek. The presumption that everyone is either a Christian or a potential Christian.
I'm sending it back Monday. They should spend their sodding money on a fecking Maths teacher and not religious clap trap.
I feel better now for having written this. My therapy.
Hope Spring got me lots of presents this weekend ;P


  1. Trin

    Hope you're feeling better now. No presents for the weekend I'm afraid, but I may run the duster over a table or two (oo-er!)

    Good idea with the bible. Best send it back with a copy of the Pagan Credo sellotaped on the front - 8 words of wisdom are better than thousands of words of misogynist, racist, middle-class, devil-worshipping, authoritarian claptrap.

    I've just heard that pop group Pink Floyd are planning to set the bible to music. Ponsonby screeching the ten commandments in front of dirgelike harpsichord music would send millions of christians over the cliffs ...

  2. Happy Nurses day! It's a a global celebration of the nursing family you know! Ha ha.

  3. I hate nurses. But thank you Judee.
    As for Spring.. the duster over a table whould indeed be a huge surprise seeing your tables haven't been dusted since decimalisation.
